
In a Jar - Interactive exhibition, Szeniale 2024 Arts Festival


is the title in German, a word I've coined for my contribution to the Arts Festival in the neighbouring town of Gelsenkirchen (now on the world map thanks to Taylor Swift's concerts earlier in August of this year.)

glassichtig means both "through glass" and "glassily transparent" and the Gern+man word Glas also means "jar". Basically untranslatable, so the title in English might be "In a Jar", with fewer shades of meaning.

Ahead of the festival date on 24th August a call has gone out for people to bring an item in a screw-top jar, something found or a personal memento: a photo, seeds. a feather, a stone or earth (but no perishables!) Each jar will be numbered and the place it came from marked on a map and entered in a book. The donors are invited to add any information they may have about the content and to leave a mail address if they would like further Information about the follw-up.


UmBauLabor, Bergmannstraße 23, GE-Ückendorf

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