
The Philosophical Boat
Themes · 17. Januar 2025
When I first approached the subject of boats I was thinking of early boats, very simple crafts made from available materials. The coracle springs to mind, a kind of basket-like frame, the pliant woven branches lashed at the intersections with hemp ropes, animal hides then pulled taut over the final structure. It kept afloat and was adequate for fishing on rivers. But what really inspired me was the history of cod fishing.

Themes · 17. Januar 2025
Schon früh in der Geschichte der Menschheit würden Boote für den Transport von Gegenständen und für die Überwindung von Entfernungen über Wasser gebaut, selbstverständlich auch für das Fischen als Lebensunterhalt. Frühgeschichtliche Bootsfahrten erforderten Mut und körperliche Anstrengung. Der Umgang mit den Kräften der Natur musste erlernt werden. Für Hochseefahrten wurde das Wissen über Bautechnik und Navigation über Generationen angelegt und mündlich weitergegeben. Mich...

Themes · 13. November 2024
I’m a hoarder. I find it very difficult to throw things away that might be useful in everyday life or for my art. So, when my mother-in-law died and we inherited photo albums and various documents, I put them to one side. (More about the inheritance here) In time, and it took a long time before I knew how I wanted to proceed, I worked through some of the material. Behind the papers and photos were personal memories not my own. However, the images brought back to my mind stories of the past...